Herald Ideacity 2022
Herald College Kathmandu Ideacity 2022
A forum for ideators to study, develop, propose ideas, and improve soft skills through a variety of interesting events, Herald IdeaCity was organized by the Herald Biz Core community, one of the communities of Herald DevCorps.
With a vision of ‘Ideate to grow and explore’, Herald Ideacity aimed to introduce events on business topics such as sustainability, entrepreneurship, and several disciplines of management such as finance, business, marketing, and so forth to prepare the participants to be industry-ready.
Additionally, it provided a platform for networking and education on trending business topics throughout the world for attendees. Eight colleges in all took part in this event. To boost their inventiveness, the participating colleges competed against one another by handling actual business scenarios.
Day 1 of Herald Ideacity
Day 1 saw the commencement of each sub-event. The event comprised of multiple sub-events:
- Lead to Inspire: The participants got knowledge regarding how CEOs face different challenges in their organisation and the method to deal with them.
- Dream Project: They got a chance to face the hurdles while initiating businesses.
- Herald Symposium: Participants debated regarding the burning issue in the context of different countries assigned.
- Green Ideal: They are obliged to explore sustainability issues and develop a green, ideal city for businesses to operate.
All of the sub-events had numerous rounds. Aside from the final, every phase was accomplished on a particular day.
Day 2 of Herald Ideacity
Here comes the final phase of the event. All of the competing colleges that advanced to the final round were simultaneously incredibly pumped up, anxious, and excited. All of their eyes were filled with fierce competition and a desire to win the competition.
Day 3: Traditional Gala & Closing Ceremony
A ‘Traditional Gala’, a ceremony dressed traditionally, marked the conclusion of the event. The participants and our students performed fantastic songs and traditional dances on the last day that embraced the event's spirit. The evening came to an end with dinner and a DJ session where everyone danced and had a good time.
As the closing ceremony progressed, the winner of all the sub-events was gradually announced. Each participant gave an extremely competitive performance and presentation on their topic. However, any competition always involves both winning and losing.
Congratulations, The British College, the winner of Lead to Inspire.
Congratulations, Kathmandu College of Management, the winner of the Green Ideal.
Congratulations, The British College, the winner of the Herald Symposium.
Congratulations, King's College, the winner of Dream Project.
And finally, the champions of the Herald IdeaCity 2022 hoisted the trophy above their heads.
Huge congratulations to The British College for the victory of the event ‘Herald IdeaCity 2022’ and for bringing forth such a diligent effort throughout the event.
Furthermore, it is to be commended that the Herald Biz Core community was able to plan such an extensive inter-college event for three days. Also, the wonderful volunteers and everyone else engaged in the event deserve tremendous applause.
Additionally, Herald College Kathmandu is grateful to all the competing colleges and the winners.
Watch a glimpse of the event here to feast your eyes on the Herald Ideacity highlights:
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