International MBA events : January Highlights
IMBA Series
The "IMBA Series'' is a document that provides a comprehensive overview of all events organized by MBA students at Herald College in Kathmandu during the course of a month. The document offers a synopsis and highlights of each event, providing a brief description of the event's purpose and content. The series is designed to provide an easy-to-read summary of the month's activities for those who are interested in staying informed about the events and happenings of the MBA program at Herald College.
January 13, 2023: Friday
Event Title: Capital Investment Decisions
Guest speaker : Mr. Bikash Bhandari (Head-Investment Banking, Nabil Investment Banking Limited)

The event consisted of two components, a quiz session and a team investment competition. Teams were formed from each tutorial group and given a certain amount of capital to invest in specified companies. The team that presented the best investment strategy won a prize in the form of an attractive gift basket. To engage the audience, an interactive quiz session related to capital investment was also planned.
January 20, 2023: Friday
Guest speaker : CA. Sushil Silwal and Mr. Datta Singh Karki

The event was split into two segments. During the initial part, a competition for business proposals took place where individuals presented their concepts to a panel of guests and judges. Following the presentation of the proposals, a thrilling quiz on the event and investments was held. The evening concluded with a networking session that allowed attendees to interact with guests.
January 27, 2023: Friday
Guest Speaker: CA. Rahul Rathi and Mr. Gajendra Pd. Shah (IMBA Course Leader at Herald College Kathmandu)

In this event, each team was assigned a specific country and company. The company aimed to grow its portfolio in the next decade with a $550 million project. Each group conducted research and analyzed the questions presented in the slides to determine the most appropriate funding method for the company. The winning team was awarded gifts and prizes.

On behalf of the International MBA program at Herald College, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of the guest speakers who graced weekly IMBA events with their presence and insights. We also extend our thanks to all of the IMBA lecturers, participants, students, and support staff who have made these events possible. Your contributions and dedication have not been bypassed and we appreciate your efforts in making the IMBA program a success.
Thank you again for your time and support.
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